Ellen Anmuth MS, MSW,LCSW , Psychotherapist,Genetic Counselor, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Grant Writer and former Assistant Professor of Family Medicine
Ellen has more than 30 years’ experience as a Psychotherapist, Educator, Genetic Counselor, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Grant Writer and Corporate Consultant.
Ellen Anmuth has worked in Hospitals, Medical Schools, and in a Private Psychotherapy Practice treating Individuals, Couples and Families. Her work also included Community Based Programs for the Mentally Retarded, and being involved with collaborative care in a University Hospital-Medical School based Child Development Evaluation and Treatment Center.
Ellen has two Masters Degrees in Counseling/Clinical Social Work and in Health Science/Genetic Counseling. Her BA degree is in Biology,Science and Health Education. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and was Board Certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy.
In the late 70’s, Ellen Anmuth was a Genetic Counselor at a University Medical Center, and served on a multidisciplinary team for evaluating and treating children and adults with, or at risk for Genetic Disease and Birth Defects.
Much of her work entailed crisis intervention, medical and supportive counseling, patient education and collaboration with community services and the multidisciplinary team at the Medical School.
Ellen Anmuth was trained in and worked in the Genetic-Metabolic Clinic, Cleft Lip and Palate Clinic and Hemophilia Clinic. She also was involved in community education and medical education. Later on in her career, she held positions as the Director of Faculty Development and Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at two Medical Schools, training doctors, medical students, pharmacy students, optometry students and community based physicians in the fields of Education, Behavioral Medicine, Psychosocial Problems, Death and Dying, and Medical Interviewing Techniques.
Ellen was also the Director of a Masters Degree Program in Medical Education for Family Medicine Residents, and held a position at a Children’s Hospital, in charge of training and supervising Pediatric Residents in Psychosocial and Behavioral Medicine Patient Care Issues.
Ellen Anmuth has lectured at national Medical and Social Work professional conferences, written grant applications and developed programs which were rated very highly by the Federal agency that awarded Faculty Development Grants in Family Medicine to medical schools.
She was inspired to create an innovative training program for improved communication and wellness, called The Language of Solutions. This program, which features a unique 4-Step Model in the form of a pathway, includes both lecture and one-on-one, experiential coaching/practice, and can be used in a variety of personal and professional self improvement, wellness and relationship applications.
A favorite way for people to learn this method is as a “Learn-At-Home Tele-Training” in the comfort of their own homes or offices. A workbook is sent, and private, individualized instruction happens over the phone. You can select a number of different trainings: Improved Relationships with Strategic Communication and Conflict Resolution, Managing Emotions for Wellness, Weight Loss, Grief, Bereavement and Transition, Anger Management, Stress Reduction, Conflict Resolution in Business Settings, and other topics, as instruction is individualized.
For more information about Ellen Anmuth MS, MSW, LCSW please click on the “Instructor Bio” section at www.TheLanguageOfSolutions.com
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